The industrial military complex and world war three

Regarding the fact that the USA called their latest ICBM “Sword of Armageddon” and some evangelical Christians having massive influence lately mostly on conservative politicians in the USA and the evangelicals taking the johns revelators words “Fire from heaven” litarally but as nde’ers said it must be interpreted and armageddon literally translated just means change and as we know from Roosevelt about the massive connections from military and the industry (capitalism) and as i somehow now also secret societies infiltrated the evangelicals as when i was in pheonix (see contact and about me page) in an evangelical church they had books with swords on it (I still remember the wars with the freemason swordbearer magicians), we also should take a look at the usa and/or the conservatives when The CDU (german conservatives) member Merz a former CEO of black rock ranted that they must support ukraine in its total reconquest of the ukraine also crimea and the russians allready seeing it as their state territory and saying they will use every weapon in defense of their territory so probably also nuclear weapons and maybe some evangelical looney general in the usa thinking that would be the perfect moment to use the sword of Armageddon and so starting wwIII, because as i wrote elswhere the ultra capitalists from the club 8000 are also already bored of normal wars and want to see some great firework for their victory or somethig in their crazy heads!

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