Some mediated Insights into Capitalism and the divine

Looking at the world situation and some knowledge I gathered especially from youtube University and some other Psyches and holy scriptures and also wikipedia and my own spiritualized gnostic philosophizing, regarding the quote of Warren Buffet a capitalist magnat “Yes there is a class war, but we the rich are leading the war, and we are winning.” and a fellow Psyches knowledge of the Club 8000, the richest manipulators and builders of the system which seem to be childsacrificing luciferians according to a whistleblower out of deep structures of the financial system and everybody knows money makes the world go round and so also buying sorcerers and other influential personalities of society, see also the post about if secret societies rule the world through money and the boss of all freemason lodges is called something like the great army leader and also the whistleblower of the financial sector told that the protocols of the elders of zion are a one to one blueprint of the money/sytem as it exists but me came to know that some unknown society just used the word zion to abuse the jews and so all abrahmites and so put the old germanic gods and their druids etc. into dark light because of fascism, because jewish spirituaity is very loving and not destrution orientated and a medium of Yehova said in his name “I am not jelous anymore” and i had the impression that the different peoples with their different subgods of the all-and-all allmighty are chosen ones of their gods or vice versa and my gnostic spiritualized philosophised insight that satan is a heavenly brother of Jesus representing love and healing arts as we know jesus was a winelover and also the good satanists are some kind of sex drugs and rock’n roll people and they say satan is loving but satan maybe became a little jelous also because jesus became so famous and both of them had human aspects despite their divine quaities and maybe lucifer was the sister of buddha lucifer meaning the lightbringer (wisdom) and buddha being the avatar of wisdom (enlightened one) and both had similar problems like jesus and satan and so maybe satan and lucifer also supported the capitalists but as i talked and also other masters talked with lucifer and satan and also becuase of god being the all merciful they seem to return to god and in another posts i wrote about so-called black magicians and their possibilties of not eternal hell etc and being only mostly grey magcicians (black/white) and as i saw in a report that someone bought a peruvian sorcerer to do some black magick, but as a reminder for sorcerers from their eagle god (zoroasther) or the wiccan tripple fold god/des, their highets law: “Do whatever you like shall be the only law, as long as you don’t hurt no on else!”
So i came to the conclusion that neither sorcerers or jews or any other religion and their gods and their representatives the so called psyche/os are the problem but capitalism and their medium money and the with it coming power over the world and materialist orientated lifestyles and philosophies.

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