About Me and Contact

The contact page for a worldly spiritual R-E3vol-ution!

“Two people met.
Each had one dollar.
They exchanged the dollars.
Each had one dollar again.
Two people met.
Each had an idea.
They exchanged ideas.
Both had two ideas.
Two people met.
Each had love in their hearts.
They exchanged their love.
Their love rose exponentially.”


Since everybody has a mission, and “psychos” have special gifts from God, and are somehow chosen ones, we should change the paradigm from “mental illness” to spiritual crisis, which the psychic has to be guided through, in order to help others with their mission, for example in special fields of society like science, philosophy, spirituality, medicine, arts, and scholarship etc..


The shortest path sometimes is not the best path!


My spiritualized life!

Been born on a Sunday morning March 14th, 1971 after a one-day and one-night long delivery in the Frauenklinik in Munich Germany as the son of two Yugoslavian Gastarbeiter.

My mother gave me the name Robert in remembrance of Robert Kennedy.

My cousin later told me that all family members from my mother’s side are witches which I also have seen later when my aunt subconsciously materialized a shoehorn.

From my father’s side, it was easy to know that we are witches since my grandfather, who was a partisan in ww2 and was spared by a SS sniper who shot over my grandpa and shouted at him to run and my grandfather threw away his rifle and ran ran ran…, was openly a herbs man who lived from selling herbs and making medicines out of herbs, while my grandmother from my mother’s side was secretly a herbs woman, at least a lot of folks in my family knew about herbs.


“Es war einmal ein Kind das sprang geschwind in den Tunnel hinein und kam zur Welt im Sonnenschein…

Es liebte seine Eltern sehr und gab sie nie mehr her…

Er vergab ihnen ihre Sünden und sprach in vielen Münden und zwischen durch und hinterher ereignete sich viel Gescherr…..”

I Had my first peek into the spirit world at 3 years of age, and an otherwise rough and magical childhood. The peek into the spirit world happened when my mum brought me to an obligatory oculist visit, and I had to look into an apparatus and identify what I see, but I am quite sure now that the apparatus was maladjusted, either intendedly or due to lack of attention because of the eye doctors age, or both. I saw the picture of a bigger star in the apparatus as opposed to the doctor insisting it had to be a bird and following, him, prescribing me some 0,25 diopter glasses. 

And today I surmise that with such a low diopter you can’t confuse a bird with a bigger star.

In Kindergarten, the Kindergarten teacher asked me why I didn’t want to wear the eyeglasses, and in my desperation, I peeked into the spirit world and saw the spirits of the other kids, from where I got the info the other kids would bully me for being a „four-eyes“because i „Knew“ something was wrong, the teacher kind of wanting to punish me or force me to wear the glasses again, and told her the other kids would bully me for being a „four-eyes“. 

I also don’t see in retrospect me needing glasses then, because I had a very good vision then, showing itself when I shot with my bow and arrow directly into the third eye of a friend who tortured someone on the stake, while we were playing „cowboys and Indians “. 

Later in life, I found out that my eyes would somehow get weaker because of the glasses, and I had to, now and then, get stronger glasses, but since I refuse to get new glasses nowadays, my eyesight pretty much stays the same.

I always also remember the Saint Martin children’s processions we had on November 11th where we marched with self-made lanterns singing songs to the stars and the moon and finally met Saint Martin on his horse and got raisin cakes as a reward.

One day in Kindergarten we were called for lunch which I rebelled against, and while the other kids sat at the tables, I scated on my socks with my friend on the freshly swept and waxed floor until my courage led me to speed skate, which ended with a cut open chin on the floor and me being dizzy. 

This was the first time I probably lost my little soul and the doctors who stitched my chin seemingly stitched also my little soul back. Two decades later my kundalini enlightened friend explained to me that the conventional doctors just do their healing magick but merely with butcher instruments… as opposed to spiritual healers who use more of a soft touching… Some forty years later I had for one day the gift of closing and healing a bleeding cut on my finger just by touching it with a finger of the other hand…

A few years later I got a lung/bronchial infection with 6 years and almost suffocated from it, my kundalini enlightened friend explained to me that I probably wanted to subconsciously die, because I saw through the system already at the age of 3 when I was photographed and have seen in the lense of the photo apparatus how much I would suffer and also already suffered, but the doctors wouldn’t let me go! 

My mum still remembers to this day how I babbled ununderstandably in a feaver trance and how the doctors fought for me…

The rest of my preteen years pattered downstream with its usual difficulties…

14 years, my first drunkenness and love affairs year, where we, while we went on a summer camp organized by the city I live in, to Yugoslavia and had my first love affair with 4 girls aged 12 to 17 at the same time, we had a Proshek party that was very mystical. There I also learned my first synchronized dance moves from my favorite crush and then I thought that she wanted to form a boy band with us. There must still exist a photography with the girls somewhere… This summer holiday camp I still remember with delight…

15 years old and a little more solemn because none of the girls wanted to be my girlfriend we went on a winter school vacation, where we snatched a bottle of Marillenlikör and I almost drank the whole bottle alone. I started to get mystical and started to talk in riddles except for one important wish to God, to become the master of laughing, I forgot the rest, except that a friend of mine started to record the session and later all of the then so-called friends turned against me and used this recording as a source for brutal parodies against me. 

I refer to this as stealing my soul and beating my very self with it.

This was the beginning of my very low years…

If you ask dear God for help, he/she/it intervenes and answers, as I experienced later when I was 17 years old, being a little tipsy, sitting on a swing at night with some friends and thinking to myself and the universe „There must be something more (than this)“, which lead to the fantastic and „horrific“ adventure my life wasiswarzbeinzis and immediately a force kind of ripping me open on the back, as a sign that god heard me!

At that time I also read the book “Encyclopedia of Secret Knowledge” entirely for the first time, in which a whole bunch of secret societies and their structures and rituals are described. While I read the book I had my first black magic energy attack from a Freemason sorcery society and I was monitored by them from that time on since now.

Then I Smoked my first splif later in 1988, when I had a fantastic laughing time and afterward I had some mystical and spiritual experiences and an otherwise rough, turmoiled, and magical youth.

I then once sat in winter on a snowy hill, when I left, during a skiing trip, the busy main skiing strips and went on a side strip, and when no one was showing up, I sat in total silence, because the snow absorbed all the environmental noises, on a hill in the mountain site, and had an intense impression of some mystical kind of infinite spirit surrounding me and penetrating the ambiance (difficult to explain with words). 

I also had some energetic-spiritual experiences on hash, when I and my hippy friends started to dance and freak out, out of nothing.

Once reading a passage out of the New Testament while high on hash, I somehow without a doubt „Knew“ that the Bible is true, and later learned from nde’ers that it also should be interpreted. Once in the woods, me and a friend collected the holy Wapaq (Fly Agaric) and cleaned it in a wood hut that a homeless guy left there, or was it the time traveler? We burned the leftovers over a small fire and inhaled the smoke, that was when I returned to myself as I was in heaven on earth and danced my first little dance for the Spirit. 

Because I loved and still love music, though my angels advised me to acquire a stereo and music media first, to get inspired by this music (which they let me know later in life), I started to learn the guitar first, with the desire to impress people.

A little later in life after some magical experiences, e.g. tripping on acid and giving up fear on the trip, and then dream-traveling into another world, I looked for a creative expression of that all, myself, for my love of music, the arts, writing, and the people and I tried to find a true expression of my experiences and more experiences on a vision quest through the world.

Before I started off to the Americas I went on a Jim-Morrison-like acid adventure with a girl named the white one. We both took a Grey Micro (about 500 micrograms of lsd) and went on a warm summer night for a party hopping in the forest. We were playing witchy love games until she went down on me and gave me head, to my dismay she was too quick and voracious and started to blow some air into my dick which hurt me a little but led to a kundalini rising in my spine which ended in me screaming and jumping around “I am free, I am free”. My 4 avatar guides I think it was Jesus, Krishna, Buddha, and the Devil just looked surprised at me. 

Later it was just chaos chaos chaos.

Another side note why now I am so sure that I am a chosen one is, as in a retrospective, my Yugoslavian great grandmothers always loved and admired me very greatly, them probably knowing more than me, and my cousin tellin’ me that all of our family are witches, also from my father’s side, me subconsciously suspecting to be some kind of special, showing itself in my great grandmothers kissing my hands and eyes and so forth, also later after my inquiries to god, while we were smoking some hash with some friends in a student home, someone told a story of a zen master that claimed that some people have more consciousness in the little finger than the whole humanity and me rising slowly my finger and bending it so that a golden light shone from it and everybody joyfully laughing about that move. 

Also in later years in the Looneybin, the storytellerette foreshadowed in an insinuation that I am favourite child number one of god, and she also told me that the whole German people abused my sacral energy, that was at the time I had massive energy vampiraziton and didn’t know who it was. They also pushed my astral body after long years of spiritual/energetic wars against me into the toilet down the drains where all the germans shitted on me!

In the same student home lived a punk who was interested in the black magick arts and in a retrovision I saw him throwing a Carlos Castaneda book on a bed with a tree of life, where I found the book…

I loved reading and I loved the idea of visions and loved it when Carlos spoke of seeing god, but Don Juan always said God came from the darkness, and prior to that postponed the vision of God, saying this and that visions are not God and so led me into reading further and further and so into total darkness… Until my laughter after a long years was gone…

I found out in long years of study that these books represent a Grey love magick which can be horrible and or beautiful.

Later while I traveled through Mexico, I went to Huautla de Jimenez, because I read about this magical mushroom village, from where the famous mushroom healer Maria Sabina stemmed, and after arriving there, I was led to a local known Mazatek Holy Mushroom curandera which really reminded me of my Grandmother. 

I had some problems with hair loss, and after she asked me a few times to join a holy mushroom Velada which I refused, because of me not feeling being ready for such, I later asked the healer myself for a Velada (and when I told her about my hair loss problem she and the invisible curanderas started to silently giggle), when I thought I felt ready. During this holy ceremony, I saw a black devil-like spirit amongst other things.

holy diver
Black devil/demon

The next day after the ceremony I asked her about this daemon, and she answered, that she doesn’t know or don’t understand, because her Spanish and mine were not too good. She also told me, that I am a curandero too, because she saw three Angelitos, each sitting on top of my shoulders and on my head. 

I also saw some bigger dogs in the village while i was drunk and when i looked into their eyes I „Knew“ that they were shapeshifters because they had absolute human eyes!

I should have gone through the complete hair loss treatment for 8 weeks with the shaman in Mexico, but she was always so high from mushrooms and very sensitive that she didn’t know how to handle me, and I was always also so high and distracted in Mexico (“the magick is so strong in Acapulco” song by what do I know from whom…) that I forgot to pull it through and now my scalp is not complete…

Shortly after I left the shaman, I was sitting in Oaxaca Ciudad Mexico on a park bench, where I heard the song „Hotel California“ by The Eagles from a music store, and in the song, there’s the stabbing of the beast mentioned (synchronicity with the velada), and because of that I started to relate everything to myself and I was so scared to have had now gone crazy.

After years of pondering the devil mystery, I learned back in Germany where I saw a guy with a black but peaceful aura, that it was not THE devil which I saw in the Velada, but the spirit of a person that turned away from love-light-god and became darkened, because he cast the light-love out of his aura (soul) and body. I also found out that this darkness is a kind of spiritual and psychological disease or maybe just a decision to live that way.

So in Mexico, I got interested in the healing arts but still was drawn to music and fine arts, which made me been torn between these two professions and later I found out that both are my professions.

Tripping further through Central America, I landed in a rainbow gathering in Guatemala on Lake Atitlan.

During a weeklong stay on the Chinese Full Moon New Year’s Gathering in mid-February, on a warm evening at the central fire I took a toke from a pure splif and started trippin‘. I went away from the fire towards a high peak over the lake to relax, whence I felt the urge to stop by a pile of stones that looked like a little pyramid from which a green San-Pedro-like cactus was growing off when I also thought that this could be an old Indian graveyard because of other small pyramids. 

Staring at the cactus, it started to transform into a green ghost-man, that wanted to draw me with his mighty power into a dark abyss. I had to fight really hard to draw myself away from this frightening power ghost. Hurrying to the community oven fire, where a talk-about was happening and a medium friend told the Cherokee creation story of flying dicks and vaginas, I sat with the other guys and gals around the fire, still feeling the power ghost trying to draw me back to the little stone pyramid into the blackness. Sitting there at the oven fire, really afraid, I started since a long time a second first sincere prayer question and said: „Jesus, if you really exist, please help me!“ 

Suddenly I felt calmer and more secure and felt a strange presence behind me. Curiously I turned around and realized that Jesus had materialized behind my back in a beige robe with long hair and a beard his arms stretched out, like a priest in the Catholic church during his lord’s prayer sermon, trying to protect me. I could feel and see his fleshly presence! I swallowed and turned back to the fire, immediately starting to feel bad again, and quickly turned my head around again to look after Jesus and acknowledged disappointed that he had dematerialized and disappeared again.

After these experiences, I traveled further on, to the solstice festivities in Chiapas.
During my stay in Chichen-Itza, I had my first healer experience, where I channeled energy into the root chakra of a Japanese woman on top of the pyramids.

I traveled further to Palenque, where I took some Holy Mushrooms. I hiked through the jungle up the mountain to the Pyramids. During this trip, I was led by a mysterious hidden guide maybe the time traveller to encounter the astral light love god on a little peak over a stream.
It was an Omni-color light shining through a round gate that showed me that everyone has gods light and love in themselves, and I later also learned that everything is made from this light and love and therefore spirited. I wanted to stare into this light on and on, and after it rose up into the skies I wanted to see it again and again, so I tried a blue-black magic trick from Carlos Castaneda’s books, in order to call back god, which made me fall on my head. I didn’t know then that it was blue-black magic, which I only learned later in life. Proceduring the move I fell backward on my head, I injured it and probably lost my „little soul“ (according to Peruvian shamans).

While I travelled through Mexico, in a mushroom place in the jungle after I have seen God, I saw how the indigenous after throwing away their last money entered Paradise alive through an astral gate, it was a place with palms and turquoise sea and had a fractal energy like existence full of strange love. There I understood how you can enter Paradise alive because I was still affected by the mushrooms, but after years of poisoning with neurotoxic meds I became anxious and didn’t fathom anymore how to enter paradise alive though God wanted to get me alive, i simply was scared because of the meds and like I have allready written the meds delayed my siddhis and shortly after I discovered my abilities destroyed them, like healing bleeding wounds with a touch and multiplying food and turning water to wine!

From there on I went on a wild „psychotic“ freedom ride adventure through Mexico and the United States until Germany.

In this freedom ride, I experienced a far diving into a totally meaningful, but not scary, spiritual reality, where everything had a special meaning towards me, even such simple things as towns names, but I also saw, maybe guided by the spirit, unexplainable things which were not hallucinations but parts of a maybe scientifical part of reality, like in a homeless shelter I woke up one night, went into the lobby and saw in front of an open door a queue of people standing, entering a room one by one and then them disappearing through some kind of buzzing massive flash of energy.

One day after arriving in Phoenix/Arizona, I dearly wanted to return to my homeland Germany/Europe, and had the idea that if I would tell the police that I have smuggled some drugs and would be convicted that they, because convicted aliens get expelled from the USA, would send me back home, so I found the nearest cop and told him that I smuggled a ton of cocaine, and he said we will try, cause he somehow „Knew“ that I was a homeless „bum“!

And then the next thing you know, I was put in pre-trial confinement which seemed to me to go on for days, but when I look back it was just a few hours. Whence I was finally put before the judge, he asked me if I plead guilty (and what I have done), I said that I plead guilty (for smuggling one ton of cocaine in a truck), and he looked at me and shook his head and said „Not Guilty“! So I went to the after-confinement wing of that prison and sat there awaiting my release, next to a guy in a ripped-up blue overall, when I heard a voice say that’s an alien which I knew was the guy next to me. He and I sat there with our hands folded when I felt something materializing in my hands. I looked down and saw a 5 Dollar Bill materializing/beaming from the alien sorcerer’s hands into mine. I got a little scared and thought if they would find after searching me for my release the dollar bill, I would be kept there for dealing drugs in prison, so I dematerialized the 5 dollar bill and beamed it back to the alien sorcerer.

When I returned with the airplane to Germany, at the airport in Phoenix in the flight-check-in I saw two suns, which I „knew“ were suns of two different parallel worlds one sun to the left and one sun to the right of the airplane, (but maybe that was just a miracle god made for the airplane captains showing them two suns like god did for me with the moon), and I knew if the airplane turned to the left I would stay in my world, but to my dismay, the airplane turned to the right and I entered this world. I call my old world the golden free world with an omnicolour god while this world is the blue prison universe with a white god. But somehow God also brought this world close to/combined it with my old world to bring me home and not to make too many disturbances in the reality of the time-space continuum!

Later back in Germany, while rearranging myself into everyday reality with the help of my then girlfriend, having long talks about my experiences and a lot of love-making, beer, and hash, and without the aid of neuroleptics, after one time trying out the neuroleptic Haldol which only had an adverse effect of making me time travel and a CAM practitioner who wanted to push me even further into another reality, I asked the Universe and God, after a long ride through heavens and hells, fantastic sights and unbelievable abysses for advice and got the name „slow temple“ for a music project.
Whilst listening to the song „Starlight“ by Lou Reed and John Cale from the album „Songs For Drella“, I played with the words and put the first letters from the words of the chorus line, (s)tar (l)ight (o)pen (w)ide, together to the word slow, asked for an extension to that name and got the answer, temple. So I found my project name „slow temple“.Not knowing what to do now, and how to further my life, I tried to re-enter the system starting a multimedia designer education.

Trying to find answers for my life and seeing god again, I took some more mushrooms at home. The next day in school, still a little high from the previous day, I leaned against a windowsill of an open window and looked outside into the sky and for the first time in my life, I saw some silver flying energy disk spaceships. 

Shortly after this experience, I had a nervous breakdown due to overworking and went to the looney bin. After weeks of taking neuroleptics and sobering out, I sat on the balcony of the ward and had a ciggie smoke in the evening. Staring seeking and calm into the starry night sky, a golden flying light captured my attention, and I thought, „…oh what a nice airplane“. I looked at the light for some more moments and realized that it was pretty tiny and flew a perfectly straight line across the night sky, without that moving and grooving I was used to airplanes. I reconsidered my first thought and pondered awe-fully that it could maybe be a spaceship, when I started to wave friendly at the light. It immediately stopped in the night sky and floated on a spot in the sky, when I sensed that they were checking me out. Then suddenly there seemed to open up a gate from which a growing golden light shone a huge beam of golden light on me, surrounded me, and began to lift me up in the night sky towards the spaceship. I became excited and during my flight towards the spaceship, the astral bodies of Castaneda black magic sorcerers suddenly appeared at my side and with forceful power turned my head away from the spaceship. The aliens aborted the up-beaming process because they thought that I was afraid and because they don’t want to scare or hurt nobody, which I „Knew“ intuitively.

Later on, I had many crazy magical and wild experiences and visions, like maybe flying energy people materializing before me, meeting Lucifer, seeing Werwolfs, hells being summoned upon me, experiencing pure divine love, everlasting cleansing sadness, and the highest joy/bliss, and a lot of other crazy stuff…

In the closed ward of our psychiatry, for example, in the smoking room, one of my fellow patients sat beside me one night and showed me his empty palm. Then my fellow patient with this empty and open hand slowly touched my arm and materialized a cigarillo where previously was none and he then smoked it. 

Now after telling you the Turkish sorcerer’s, and the alien sorcerer’s story, I must admit that I also had the „misfortune“ 🙂 of, one time in the closed wards garden, materializing some „Knoppers“ (a woman then called me „our god“ because of that, but i am just Robi through which God made his magic), but I ate them myself, because I was so hungry (you don’t get enough to eat in the looney bin), and turned, probably with the help of a blessed Christus-rose-cross from Medugorje, some mineral water into „Gemišt“ Wine, which after some days I had enough off and couldn’t stand any more of drinking Wine! 

One night, on the balcony of my ward, I saw with my own non-hallucinating eyes, how the ALL-and-ALL allmighty moved the full moon about 10.000km, from my relativistic point of view it was maybe 1m if I would paint it on a canvas, in an instant on the night sky!

Also, my soul was “crucified” for three days apart from the restraining bed in the looney bin, so I know what Jesus felt on the cross like.

One day, on an average day, I went shopping in the supermarket, not feeling too well. As I stood in the queue at the checkout, I suddenly felt an overwhelming total agape unconditional love towards me from behind, and I knew this could only be dear good god, and as I turned around there stood this old little fella buying sweets for the kids. You may ask why he bought the sweets and didn’t materialize them, maybe, just maybe, he wanted to be that old little regular fella this day, just one of us regulars peeps, and showing to us that he still exists. 

I also always surmised, that my (former) psychiatrists had something to do with me getting a „psychosis“, whenever I announced to them, that I wanted to stop the „medication“. One day I went for a pill refill to my actual psychiatrist and disclosed to her that I reduced my dosage and wanted to stop the „medication“ completely. Nothing important happened shortly after I left her office. But while I was riding home on the bus, the bus stopped at a halt at a nuclear power plant construction company (Areva), whence suddenly opened up a portal to a parallel dimension, to a, I think, mostly energetic dimension. I heard the voices of my angels speak, to the spirit of the psychiatrist (and I also saw the spirit/astral body/higher self of that psychiatrist): „Miss doctor please don’t play with that“, whence I saw her spirit use something like a crystal-like object. I rode on and noticed a guy that had stepped on the bus at „Areva“, and a thought came to my mind: „That’s a cop“. I watched the guy a long time while the other dimension was still open when I realized that the guy had something to do with opening the portal, because later, while staring at the guy, I could see him getting uncomfortable and the other dimension slowly disappearing, and the portal ended when he stepped out of the bus at „Siemens Gerätewerk“ (an electronics company). Then I „Knew“ that this guy had some kind of device, that was a help for my psychiatrist to open that portal, and now I know that he was a „psycho cop“ controlling the „psychos“ to use their fatal „medicine“ because we are a threat to the status quo of the system! Maybe she called him on the phone, or they had some telepathic contact, but now I know the technology for V2K and similar things are available, either invented or stolen from shot-down alien spaceships. They have also the technology for the psychological and physical well-being and other aspects of your body and the reality outside your body. So they don’t need to do black magic anymore but can manipulate the reality of you and around you with technology! 

And the enemy, which I also wrote in other paragraphs about, trying to totally annihilate my Brahma world soul spirit through completely burning my soul while dreams watching each other narrowly (tripping on mushrooms) and so almost letting implode the multiverse into nothingness, and another time almost killing the allmighty in me with spice and energy and another time almost completely annihilating my soul spirit body and mind, and completely fighting me nonstop and trying to destroy Jesus Christ who was in me and Maitreya who is in me because we love to smoke marijuana and eat mushrooms. 

A side note: 

A spiritual presence hinted to me that I am the prophet that would come after Jesus with eyes like fire (maybe he didn’t know that there would come more masters), since I have Christian karma, being baptized Catholic and later baptized in the name of John the Baptizer baptized in the Mazatec mushroom church, that might be true.
I got a glimpse of my eyes of fire when I drove with my bicycle by an open window where some nagualist whores hang out of the window and in my fury about them I got spiritualized and my eyes were kinda changing and casting fire and these nagualist whores screamed in fear! Though that was just an exception because oculist conspirators already at my age of 3 destroyed my eyes (i am wearing glasses) and me being really tired of nonstop fights!

These bastard astral bodies are coming now and want to look into my eyes, they are lifting my eyelids to see if I am lying or not, they treat me worse than an animal, even animals have it better than me as a German saying says “Einem geschenkten Gaul schaut man nicht ins Maul” (transl. “You don’t look a to you gifted horse into the mouth”)

Sometimes this black magic musician who leads his dog defecating on the lawns where the children play stands outside in front of the wall where my PC is and does his black magic shit. I caught him a few times when I felt his presence outside and once I freaked out so much and ran outside, screamed at him and chased him away, that now he is seeking revenge, so I got the vision that when he becomes famous one day and will have an interview on tv, that he will make fun of me, so just for the future this is the record of these incidences, that he is an asshole on the inside! 

Today I saw two women and a man standing on the corner having a conversation, I turned my head away to look for something else and as I turned my head back, poof, they were gone, nowhere to be seen. I have seen a lot of such shit in my Village/City, also in a Kebab shop I saw behind a door something like the entrance to hell, all with fire and the obligatory inventory. So sometimes I ask myself, if the village/city I live in is some kind of black/magick place, also because a friend of mine claimed that this Franconian region has very high energy and magick properties!

The last time the spirit showed me a hell was probably of an ultra-capitalist or Adolf Hitler or Heinrich Himmler or maybe all three together, it was totally horrendous and they haven’t even seen/experienced the all-encompassing life reviews of their victims, but it was a grey-black hot and cold tunnel where a metallic voice laid its hand on billions of astral Graves and yelled “annihilated” that was accompanied with horrendous feeling of havoc… only a few twenty Graves lasted for half an hour without the life review, which they also have to go through!

After all that enlightenment and visiting hells, I have to pay tribute to Baba Ram Dass and my zip code, because now I have to clean my flat after I left it in chaos…

I was also thinking about and comparing my time at college with other students when they are talking about heavily studying and at the same time heavily partying and also getting the daily life shit (groceries, laundry, cooking, etc., etc.) done and actually finishing with high grades, I thought they must be all Übermenschen when I barely could keep my university shit together and comparing my than party life to theirs, mine was that of a childsbirthdayparty kind, and also at that time living in my parents house and my mother doing all the groceries, laundry, cooking, etc. and finally aborting my studies…

But then I reflected further on my life and remembered the thought that I had always been a sick/weak child from early youth, maybe also because of being exposed to environmental poisons and as a child wondering why I am always so tired and sick and already than trying to find out the reasons for that and e.g. hearing of substances mixed into plywood that could cause cancer or other issues, and now I surmise that were not the only substances swirling around in my environment also in our flat we had a night storage heater and I later found out that such heaters where isolated with asbestos, and last but not least I always thought of myself maybe already being born week and sick….

Now I think maybe god really likes me or has a special mission for me keeping me so long alive against all odds (also regarding my psycho career and being heavily exposed to neurotoxic meds not to mention my excessive drug and alcohol use in some stages of my life)….

Why I was really traveling were also the books by Carlos Castaneda. I just wanted to discuss the contradictions in his books with him and continue to seek my luck on a world journey as an artist and musician and also let shamans heal me from an unknown illness, and I also had never understood what he meant by black magic, what black magic means but was fascinated by the expressiveness of the word… now I know what it means, he is a vampire time traveler who used my light to write lies about god, that’s why I was too fascinated by the light of the book……

I actually never had serious problems with anybody if I look back superficially on my life, also if you take the bullying of other people against me into consideration, when I also compare them to my later “problems” because there was always some kind of reconciliation going on afterward!

Also not regarding youthly sins where I stole a bike which only led me to work in an environmental organization as some kind of punishment by the law or as they say educational measure.

I actually was a mostly law-abiding citizen with a high school diploma and an education in computer programming and trade, and also involved in system-conforming social activities, that went as far as being Antifa and defending a refugee shelter against supposed nazi attacks, actually everything that was expected from me as a part of the currently existing system!

The real problems started when I returned from Mexico and I saw some unknown real physical being in my hometown, me thinking I should somehow return to normal reality, because that was no good, having so many hallucinations, which I later found out were not, me thinking I have somehow a not everyday problem after my encounter with god and experiencing so many abnormalities, actually not scaring but somehow exhausting me, that I thought I should take countermeasures.

So one of my moves then was that i called a friend that suggested to bring me to a psychdoc, because he also had no idea what to do, though he knew of healers, and in hindsight i am quite sure that the encounter with psychiatry and telling them what i experinced, in this case i told the doc about a vampire i met, actually in hindsight it was just the soul of that person that kinda like had vampireteeth, in some way made me “an object of interest”, where over the course of time the enemies amassed as practically everything i published somewhere or got involved into discussions or “counterwords” i uttered to authorities, somehow seemed to trigger responses in my counterparts, as to say it mildly, from being firstly unknown phenomena, stemming from psychiatrist black magicians, that bothered me and were part of the psychiatrists way to return me into the looneybin for further “treatments”, up to, after i got deeper involved and me starting to inform myself about psychiatry, black magick and the system, drawing my conclusions about the curreent system etc. and began somehow pushing back, which seemed to be surprising to them at first but they later seemed to see me as some kind of problem that got to be solved, realysing the enemy could be practically every sytem gimp that is afraid of the current system breaking down, because they think it is the only possibility having some sense of security and the only possible institution giving them the neccessary tools for survival in an otherwise dangerous world, and so every threat to that current system must get dealt with, and so trying to at least hurt me somehow which in its extremes went to attempts of murder and complete annihilation by never before experienced or somewhere else heard of weapons of massannihilation.

To the system gimps thinking of me being totally nuts, especially in the light that I have been “diagnosed” by valid(?) system authorities:

Sure you do not have to fear the worst case scenario or any other major disturbances, as you are well integrated into the structures of the system and mostly do what is expected from you at least the obligatory system duties, but take any so-called outlaw or maybe any system critic with deeper insights and ask them yourself, if you can get hold of them and they not been already murdered or disappeared elsewhere or are in prison, and you get a little glimpse of the dangers of “disturbing the peace”!

I am prepared for the system shit to hit the fan as they also began to massively gaslight my mother, which we have physical proof of now and we will call the police (the police were of no help) because the gaslighter got careless in his gaslighting and destroyed some furniture which is not possible for my mother to do because of her old age!

Some people from the secret ufo research projects disclosed that they now have advanced alien technology, and so could easily bring a moon buggy to the moon, if you wanted to prove somehow that there’s no moon buggy on the moon, in observing the moon landing sites, btw I can confirm that because as I mentioned elsewhere there was this Israelite earth-space-ship that tried to annihilate me!

First, I thought it was one of my alien friends, and tried to direct them towards the direction from where the Antifa astral attacks started and hint to them that they are the real fascists, by showing them my right arm stretched out to from where the Antifa astral attacks were coming, but after they returned I knew they were Israelites confusing me with a fascist, though even that should be not a reason to use such brutal (downplayed statement, actually their weapons are capable of totally wiping you of earth’s face, and I also mean your soul and astral body, etc.) weapons against a single unarmed man!

These astral attacks of Antifa were part of a discussion about the Israel state, in which I mentioned that I am an anarchist and despise the concept of any national states, and so also the concept of an Israelite state, or any other state, and that was interpreted by many of the Antifa as antisemitic, and so I got a massive astral war against me!

I mean, I am a single unarmed man and they were millions of Antifa astral bodies attacking me with astral weapons, what do the system people and the dark forces think when they are leading such massive wars against me, just because I stated my political view, also considering attacks with what I do know, energy weapons, scalar weapons, anorganic weapons and many more tries to annihilate me.
I actually never posed a real threat against them, if you consider their massive numbers and the brutal weapons they have, and actually just wanted to change the system a little, so that everybody could be happy, but now I am like let’s fucking destroy this evil system!

Some time ago I was making some calming tea, while I set it up I went into the living room for a ciggie smoke to let the tea get ready.
When I finished the ciggie I went to look for the tea, *smile sadly*, it was sucked out, gone. But I don’t wonder since my sleeping room has some kind of portal to other dimensions, because sometimes when I sleep, I enter said dimensions and the beings living there actually want to see who’s in that bed and draw away my blanket!

I mean I don’t wonder about many things anymore, especially this planet being totally fucked up!

By the way, I am not scared anymore bc you might realize somehow that the higher forces are protecting me now and I even also have a friendly alien spaceship above my house, that watches over me, I can see it in the night.

To this day I wonder if actually anything would still exist, even god or the people that did this to me, if they succeeded in burning down my Brahma world soul spirit and everything imploding, because even they were reflected in me, what did they think they were doing?
Though I also had the impression while my soul was burning that after everything would have imploded these 23 black magicians who set me on fire would somehow step in front of god and demand some kind of inversion of being multiverse, something like that everything and everybody should be impeccable and act impeccably, that mistakes where absolutely forbidden!

Before even being diagnosed with “schizophrenia”, shortly before my first healer experience, me and a few other guys and gals during the solstice festivities in Chiapas me visiting Quetzalcoatl, even some high lamas from Tibet were there and a bunch of other high holies, we were being anointed by some blond older angel goddess from the Caribbean lying before the lord of this world (satan? 🙂 ); if you remember christ meaning being anointed…

Fuck, even if it was satan, then look at Job where the divine beings including satan stood before god!

Now to the hypothesis that psychiatrists can distinguish between a high holy and a schizophrenic when psychiatrists are mostly atheists who gave the authority of interpretation of such to themselves and on the other hand by the most high chosen people told me being a curandero!

Who is right who is wrong?

Further for the authority of psychiatrsts and them diagnosing, as one of them told me they do whatever they like, my first encounter of me with psychiatry was when i had a burnout, so heavy i could barely move and not even talk, due to the fact that i heavily was engaged in studies for my education as multi media designer and at the same time heavily studying the writings of carlos castaneda, though the curandera warned me about the books of Carlos Castaneda “No es bien para la cabesa”, as i allready said they are written with power and energy to that extent that you even can’t recognise obvious lies such as “wisdom comes from power” but even the avarage german nows “Wissen ist Macht” (Wisdom is power), so now sitting me, before the psychiatrist not able to speak and the psychiatrist not figuering out what i have, my mother who was in the room out of desperation that some answer for my state would be found since i could not talk, mentioned that i mentioned to her that i saw angels, as i seen them some months before, so the criteria for the psychiatrist to keep me in the lonneybin feed me drugs and diagnose me with “schizophrenia” was that i saw some angels!

So some might ask now why I didn’t leave earlier the psychiatry system or why I have not realized the discrepancy between my prior experiences and the psychiatrist’s worldview, first as I have seen myself as some lamb consciousness or as woke people nowadays would call me a sheeple or me considering myself as being a person who was law-abiding/still having trust in the system/authorities and secondly because I simply forgot about my prior experiences engaging in normal everyday life and the psychiatrists using psychotropic psycho-pharmaka and endlessly repeating their paradigm and the latter two combined being some kind of MK Ultra and so following a changing of my consciousness with accompanying, from the neuroleptics (psychotropic), established non stop altered reality!

“Hello Alien Space Brothers”, a thread from UseNet with additions from a Messenger chat


I’d like to be outside on my terrasse and enjoy the night and at the same time in front of my computer, I know you have very advanced tech can you maybe do something about it, maybe something like quantum superpositioning?

If now someone asks why I type it and not use telepathy is because the meds are destroying my siddhis!

Thank you!

David Dalton:

Maybe you should invest in a cheap used laptop with WIFI access.


I don’t have money and my chair behind the desktop and with all my gear gives me a sense of security since there are happening horrible things outside like material daemons walking outside and the devil tryna materialize, i saw how his astral body devoured the soul of a child nearby


Really? What is your doctor’s name and have you told him about this?

He might help the demons go away.


Lol! A psychiatrist chasing away real demons, I wouldn’t wonder if she called the daemons upon me! but maybe who knows, I got the poison I got the remedy!


‘Prodigy’ reference identified.


Dear ansaman, maybe I made myself unclear when I said material daemons, with this I meant daemons with a physical body, and no, they weren’t some guys in costumes, these daemons changed in size and shape and even flew, I mean I almost shitted my pants, and no, I don’t want to ask them what they are searching for or if they want to eat my heart alive, maybe you ask them! By the way the devil showed up at my house he is so evil that the evil is almost dripping off his body and that with some touching of him, I would immediately die, my angel turned my head away from him so I could walk on by!

So what do you suppose my doc to do, I doubt that even some catholic exorciser could help, he’d probably also shitted his pants!

Ah ya, I met Lucifer before this devil, and Luci compared to this devil is a pet rabbit, he only wants your energy, this devil had no name but was so evil that he almost grabbed me and dragged me into hell to annihilate me there with his death hug!

My angel pointed out that maybe it is the same person (Luci) and in between these years he changed so much to evil I didn’t recognize him, when I think about it it is possible since when I compare both pictures in my mind they are similar, but did the scapegoating change him so much or the child sacrifices or both because when I first met him he was pushing some old lady in a wheelchair and I thought oh look Jesus is helping the elderly. A thought in my mind insisted it was Jesus while a voice said it was Lucifer, but when you look in the bible methinks they say that Jesus and Luci or Saten are heavenly brothers, or maybe that lore is from the Mormons, I don’t remember!

And it is like the Bible says a beautiful guy!

A lot of other of my “psycho” comrades also already met him and assured me him being beautiful and a fellow psyche girl said it is the most beautiful angel ever!

Maybe the Satanists should have sacrificed him some cake or fruits or similar like the Mazatec do with their angels and spirits and gods, maybe then he wouldn’t become so evil!

One more thing to add, I avoid as much as possible to go outside though I love this world, even to doctors because I am shitless scared of human beings, they sense my weakness and get agitated and subconsciously aggressive against me because of my weakness, even snapping at me and i often sense their urge to even hit or kill me, the wild animal me in them is strong they are existing on lower levels of evolution, like cleaning the weak from this earth….

thank you for your attention

even the animals here are friendly with me and I wouldn’t wonder if real wild predator animals wouldn’t hurt me but protect me from humans they have more compassion than humans I can’t go outside without my army knife, it simply helps to calm those human beasts down if I sense their aggression to touch my knife in my pocket

I now am thinking that maybe poorer countries are evolutionary higher developed than rich countries, because here in Germany a lot of rich people are living but have a wild animal me but in my poor home country Croatia they have a greater sense of love and community

also maybe seen in the example of poor India where actually a whole bunch of enlightened persons come from

or maybe Mexico where actually almost every village has one or more curanderas/os!

Me regarding the Greta Problem:

now I tried a trick, a fake Twitter account claiming to be an atheist anarchist underground scientist presenting third-world underground technology, namely the Pakistani quantum energy generator

I have a very exhausted spiritual presence because I am very difficult to handle

But the spirits and angels do shift changes and I also have alien spceshipguardians, they commanded a ship somewhere over my house I can always see it in the night in the sky

All of the aliens are nice because they are spiritually, technologically, and morally higher evolved only the human earth ships are dangerous, an Israelite spaceship tried to annihilate me once

I have even a fierce war fighting being by my side I refer to it as my fighting robot

After evil sent me through living hells, All the stars of the night sky called me Lord, but that was a little too much for me, that’s why my Brahma world soul spirit left me for a while, but anyway before that the angels promised me to show me all the different heavens! Also, God promised me that it would come personally for me when I die, even though I lost my siddhis and asked god not to take me alive because I can’t fathom that!

I always thought that making a movie out of my life story would be a great idea, and always said to God, couldn’t you arrange it somehow that there would be a movie made, because of the fantastic wonders I witnessed, etc.,

but now I am totally against it, especially in the light that the unimaginable horrors I witnessed by far outweigh the wonders I have seen, and it would be a very bad move, especially if children would get a hold of the movie, and they came to know that the movie kinda happened for real, I wouldn’t even recommend it to grown-ups, as the horrors I witnessed by far are greater then the complete horrors of the holocaust!

You might say, why are you writing then about it?

Simply because movies compared to writing have an extra visual and audio dimension to them and the writing doesn’t impact as much as maybe a movie might, actually if you have typed words in front of you they can be deemed harmless, and because I want to warn humanity, especially the dark forces, and simply just to vent so I might feel better, and tell everybody what dangers you could encounter on this planet, and so the good humans can be careful in regards to the system!

Now I have somehow embraced both realities and am living quasi with one foot in everyday reality and with the other in spiritual reality. 

A small part of my bliss: Sex, drugs and rock’n’roll, play, and tv, and no stress, and work what I love, and no pain, e.g. don’t overexaggerate it with love, it can hurt and don’t overexaggerate it with resting, that can hurt too e.g. from it follows silent pain and no joy. 

Christ says be like children and Buddha says don’t overexaggerate it, a good mix…

Greetings in the name of the All-and-All good loving holy Allmighty (or whatever you like to call her/him/it), everliving, ever clear, ever sure, ever peaceful, all loving, all merciful!


Everybody (!) is special and possesses their own medicine, talent, mission, and/or uniqueness they can act out given by The good loving holy Almighty!

Supported by near-death-experiencers, my own experience, my angels, and my medicine wo/men i met in the Americas!


Robi „Master of In/Sanity“ Smrdelj

Revolution Nr. 9
Waiting Room
Little Britain

Contact if you need help and Healing:

You will receive a specielly for you chosen and sanctified healing gemstone, a by me handmade and sanctifed protection Tzicuri (Eye of God), some healing herb tea and i will make a healing ceremony, which is very hard spiritual work, for you, therefor i need a picture of you for telehealing in the velada and it will only cost you 50€ so all the expenses are covered like candles, incense, flowers, gifts to the gods, the healing gemstone and other materials like the tea etc pp…..
Fill out the Form and I will send you further instructions ….

Come Home

There is in every madman a misunderstood genius whose ideas shining in his head frightened people,
and for whom delirium was the only solution to the strangulation that life had prepared for him.

Antonin Artaud

I’m the one that’s got to die when it’s time for me to die, so let me live my life the way I want to.

Jimi Hendrix
Info – Patter

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